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Testimonials (4,324 and counting)

It is safe and fast!.

Brandon Tweedell
April 14,2011

Well done happy as shit Thanks.

April 14,2011

Very quick service, ordered a little over 40-50k in the same day got both orders in less than an hour. Very impressive response time and easy to navigate web site..

Anthony Nielsen
April 14,2011

Awesome customer service. Thank you guy4game.com.

Daniel Ku
April 14,2011

Very fast very easy!!! tyvm.

April 13,2011

I bought some mesos for Maplestory. Could not have asked for a better seller. They emailed me when the gold was ready and this was within half an hour. After that it was delivered quickly and when I contacted them for the gold the staff member Nancy was very nice. Definately would buy from guy4game again..

April 12,2011

i am very surpised that any other companies out there can stay in buisness with guy4game selling and doing what they do best. thats pleasing thier customers, i personaly would never spend a dime any other place i stand by this company 100% and appreciate thier kind firendly service very prompt and perfesional. Thank You.

jesse jenkins
April 12,2011

I placed my order and within 10 minutes i had my gold. Won't be going anywhere else!!.

Joe R
April 12,2011

VERY satisfied with the service provided! I used the chat help feature and talked to Kiko, who was very helpful and got me my product right away. Won't go anywhere else..

April 11,2011

I've been playing WoW for many years, seen many sellers and levelers around. Nevertheless since I first tried Guy4Game service I never changed my mind. Nice and professional representative and deliverers, fast and reliable service and definitely also competitive prices in my opinion. Security is also really appreciated, face to face trade and mail confirmation of delivery receipt make me really comfortable on how I spend my money. Give it a try and you will understand what I'm talking about!.

April 10,2011

Received gil promptly, very satisfied...

April 10,2011

fast with the very best service, this is the right place for all your needs!.

April 10,2011

This is simply the best site to get what you need! great service and a fair price, what else do you need?what are you waiting for, go ahead and give Guy4game a try and you to will be writing something like this!.

April 10,2011

Recieved gold promptly, an excellant transaction.....

April 10,2011

really fast service.

frost demon
April 10,2011

I've purchased game currency from guy4game for years now. They are friendly, fast and efficient. The communication is outstanding. The transaction is secure and I have always been made to feel that my request was a priority. To be honest, I usually don't leave much feedback when services ask for it. And I never write testimonials. But guy4game has been consistently good for years and they deserve the kudos. Thanks guys.....

Chris Kelly
April 09,2011

I was searching the through this site which I have used once or twice before and found that I wanted to purchase 70k gold and a Grim Campfire but i thought 50$ for the campfire was a little steep in price so I used the Live chat and spook to a marvelous person named John who was able to help me work out a price that I could afford and get both the gold and Item. John was very well mannered and professional with all the questions that I asked and was even nice enough to stay in the online chat with me while I ordered to make sure I didn't have any issues with the entire process. This site is sometimes a little bit more costly but having such a good experience with John and this sites fast delivery I'm willing to pay the extra couple dollars here for the great service..

Phillip Watson
April 08,2011

Really, REALLY fast delivery and everything like proposed. I received my delivery about 10 ~ 15 mins after my purchase. RECOMMENDED!!.

April 08,2011

hey your site is number 1 best pwrlvling and safest pwrlvling.

April 07,2011

Wow customer service was awsome.I know that this will be the place I will come for gameing needs.Totally trustable and very fast with delivery and service..

Steve Burke
April 07,2011