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Customer Testimonials

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Testimonials (4,337 and counting)

I have purchased several products and services from g4g, including WoW powerleveling, gold and runescape gold. All deliveries have been fast, and if there was any delay or issue, I has promptly informed over email. I highly recommend g4g for all services and products, and have even been granted small discount coupons, because they value their loyal customers. Well priced, fast delivery, excellent customer service. What more could you ask for?.

Grayson Holladay
September 02,2011

Fastest, Safest and best yet. Highly Reccomended..

Ben Cole
September 02,2011

Guy4Game is great, their service is legit and very speedy. I asked if they had stock in my server they admitted they did not but gave me a discount and delivered the gold to me in less than a day. I am very pleased with my purchase..

Javier C
September 02,2011

Didn't expect it to be completed so fast! Got the gold within 15 mins..

September 02,2011

You guys and females are awesome..

Matt Tanner
September 02,2011

Unbelievable speed and execution. I'm a big fan. Just got a new loyal customer. Keep up the good work..

September 02,2011

i dont know what t write :).

hsn al-attar al-attar
September 02,2011

Awsome service A+++.

September 02,2011

all i gotta say again and again with great prices great customer service! you guys are awesome !!! you have my VOTE ! 100%.

September 01,2011

I've never bought gold before but got to the point where my alt wasn't making enough moolah to support her enchanting / tailoring habits! Wasn't sure how it would go but was extremely impressed. Paid by PayPal and got a whisp in minutes (like less than 10), no mucking around, buckos in trade window. Very impressive..

Tim S
September 01,2011

tyvm for honestly sellin me gold=[).

Aaron Lewis
September 01,2011

When it comes to Rift this is the best for quick delivery. Not the cheapest but reliable and top notch service..

Bridgett D
September 01,2011

Very fast service gold delivered in under 10 mins ... excellent....

August 31,2011

I cannot believe how fast Guy4Game is! I order the kinah and wham, I have it in just a few minutes!.

Happy Guy
August 31,2011

I have purchased here many times and there is not one doubt in my mind that this is one of the best game-selling websites out there. There is great service, very fast delivery and nice staff working on the live chat; Mary, John and Leo to name a few. I will continue to spend money on this because there is great service and I am very satisified with the service here at guy4game. Thank you for such an amazing experience!.

Caleb S.
August 30,2011

amazing was real unsure how i would work but placed the order went for a smoke came back and there it was like 5-6 mins really impressed..

August 30,2011

There are those times when something rare appears in the broker, and you just don't have the kinah to buy it. Guy4game is there to save the day with great prices on kinah and fast deliveries that will guarantee that you get that one-of-a-kind item before somebody else does! :).

Kinah Buyer
August 30,2011

Guy4Gold has to be the best Kinah website yet and its services are great. On top of that i love the operators but shh 0.-.

Mike Wanzuk
August 30,2011

When i placed my order i was thinking that i'll have to wait the whole day for the delivery, but surpisingly i got contacted and recieved my order within 30 minutes or maybe less. Legit, Super fast & lowest prices. Cann't ask for more.

Grateful customer
August 29,2011

made an account on this site,,ordered gold,, my player had it in less then 2 hours,, kinda awesome huh?.

August 29,2011