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Customer Testimonials

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Testimonials (4,337 and counting)

Amazing! My very first time buying gold, it was kinda sketchy for me, but they delivered it fast and easy. Recommend!.

Diego Flores
April 24,2012

Amazing delivery speed, very helpful support. You can't find a better place to purchase WoW gold! Thanks Guy4Game!.

April 23,2012

This site is my best because delivery is too fast and live support 7/24 online. Thanks guy4game :).

Soner Ertürk
April 22,2012

hello, first of all i'd like to say i'm sorry, i didn't get the e-mail you sent since i miss spelled my e-mail addres,i have fixed that and any further mail should reach me. now i'm very happy about the delivery time, however i only got 80,000, not the 90,000 i ordered, nor the stated bonuses (90,000 Gold+10,800 Extra Bonus Gold+Nightsaber Cub) is there a reson for this? i'm thinking maybe i missed something when i ordered, like maybe i get less gold depending on the value of the curency i paid with or something..

John harald Thuseth
April 22,2012

I got my gold in less than 20 mins, as promised, great prices indeed!.

April 20,2012

Great site! Consistently under 20 minute delivery for WoW gold, and best prices I've seen. Don't go any further than this site if you need to buy gold!.

Gold User
April 18,2012

I had very fast service,it was a great experience!No problems what so ever,Thank you Guy 4.

adam pendleton
April 17,2012

Was assisted by James, James you are the BOSS! Wonderful service! quick response! it's been a pleasure! =D.

Gerhard Botha
April 15,2012

I have bought gold from this site 3 times and it has been delivered within 20 minutes everytime..

April 15,2012

Helpful and professional! I always talk to an operator prior to purchasing any gold. If gold is not available at the time of purchase, G4G will give recommendations based on the stock levels. Not to mention, speedy service and absolutely no hassles while in game for promotions or to solicit gold. I have been using G4G for well over a year for a few of my MMO's I play(WoW, EQ2, FFOnline, and recently SWTOR). Thank you for putting your Customers first G4G!.

Nathan Williams
April 15,2012

i bought gold today and got the gold in 5mins its fast cheep and safe..

Owen Dower
April 15,2012

This was my first time buying gold and i dont regret it , i will certainly buy from this site again!.

April 11,2012

Guy4game, the one and only site i come to for WoW goods! they have excellent customer service and amazing delivery time! Highly recommended!!.

April 10,2012

I really trusted this site from the beginning and even though i DID worry a little at first, like most probably do - the guy met me in the first 10 minutes and traded me what I paid for. Sweet stuff. I would recommend this site for anyone..

Kayla Cowan
April 09,2012

Wow shut down for extra hours and I wad worried for a while by you all came thru like a champ. I won't use Paypal again - they are exceeding slow - this was much faster. Keep up the good work!.

James Hill
April 04,2012

Bought gold for the first time was nervous thought it would take long but i received my gold within an hour. just whispered and we meet up for an open trade and i received my gold speedy delivery accurate i got what i paid for. I reccomend these guys..

jaime polanco
April 03,2012

great service didn't take long was very nervous at first bit i would recommend these guys.

Dale Berry
April 02,2012

Thanks again guys... Crazy fast service every time. Best prices and never a single issue. More than once I have checkout and had my order within 10 minutes. Have to love the real one on one CS, no bull delays here..

April 01,2012

Will never buy from another site again, Guy4game has the fastest service ever, had my gold within 10 minutes and very helpful, friendly on-line customer service. very satisfied..

March 30,2012

Bought WoW gold from this site and received it within 20minutes. I will buy here again. :).

Kye .
March 30,2012