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Customer Testimonials

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Testimonials (4,324 and counting)

1st time user here! Wonderful service! Fast and secure! Got exactly the amount i bought, no problems XD the staff was great and super helpful. These guys have great prices and definately are the real deal! I will be coming back next time i need some extra Kinah ^_^.

June 03,2011

This is definitely a professional operation! I got my kinah quickly, within an hour or so. Full amount and all. Not a single issue with the purchase, transaction, or delivery. Although if I were to have an issue, I know there is great customer support backing it up! They have definitely made a long time customer out of me!!.

May 05,2011

Really, REALLY fast delivery and everything like proposed. I received my delivery about 10 ~ 15 mins after my purchase. RECOMMENDED!!.

April 08,2011

excellent service with a great response time, absolutley pleased with it.

Ryan Middleton
March 15,2011

These are the reasons i use G4G: A) if i work at my job for 15 mins... that pays for what would take me a full day of farming (at my lvl) 6 hour shift? you do the math --this is a huge timesaver since i can spend less grueling hours farming and more time screwing around or grinding :) B) fast delivery C) great online chat support if im gonna spend my time playing this game... i might as well spend it wisely and g4g allows me to cut out a huge chunk of my farming time.

Time Saver
January 24,2011

Fast and courteous as ever. You guys are the best!!.

January 23,2011

Fast Delivery and they work hard to make sure you get the gold you paid for.

January 06,2011

They helped me fast, and effectively I am a return customer and will become a regular now, thank Guy4Game!.

December 21,2010

Fast delivery, no problems. Would use again..

December 12,2010

I was impressed on how fast the process was on getting the aion kinah but was very unpleased that i didnt get all that i ordered and had to make the extra effort to get the remaining owed to me. hope this gets fixed for future serveces.

chris newman
December 06,2010

Fast dilviery, have used a couple times now and have waited no more then few hours. Great prices too!!!.

Brian Smith
November 23,2010

I Have already spent $200 on this website, need i say more? I am an Aion fan and have ordered over 250 mil kinah from this site. Needless to say, all of it arrived in less then 7 minutes. Am currently using their power leveling service, will write how that turns out..

John Shepherd
November 21,2010

Ordered many many times from here :) very very professional. Nice job.

Sanghoon Han
November 02,2010

Done transactions with this company, 1st time deal and very impress 5/5 Customer Services 5/5 Product Quality 5/5 Reasonable Price Definitely recommended AAA+++.

William Tran
October 29,2010

just want to see if this is real. If this does not post, i dont believe anything below.

Yonten Lucifer
October 26,2010

No Lie, G4G is the best. I order and received my full order, plus compensation for the delay. All the staff was top notch, helpful, and very kind. Was a very nice experience, one that I will most likely repeat now in the future!!! THANKS G4G. -A.

October 23,2010

great site got contact with them in seconds its fast guys trust me i only trust them now :D these guys are the real deal.

coltton sodeman
October 20,2010

Second buy from you guys. Fast service and cheapest i found, again... Plus the bonus gold. Can't beat it right now..

August 27,2010

what is this.

Hoang Lam Nguyen
July 17,2010

I have ordered Aion Gold twice with these guys and so far they have always delivered what they promised. The first time it got the gold within a few hours. Seccond time they did not have it in stock and compensated the amount with 5% for the longer wait (about 2 or 3 days I think it was). Would buy from these guys again!.

verry happy
June 21,2010