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Customer Testimonials

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Testimonials (4,337 and counting)

A+ seller, items exactly as described.

zach Krieg
September 20,2017

Customer service is AMAZING! I'm a frequent customer and happy with every purchase..

September 18,2017

This seller is dependable, honest, and sells for good prices..

September 18,2017

Seller keeps excellent records in case WoW has a problem; very trustworthy..

September 18,2017

good price, on time A++.

bradley espinoza
September 16,2017

Very very Fast. A+++.

edwin hayes
September 16,2017

Seller keeps excellent records in case WoW has a problem; very trustworthy..

erick Caruso
September 14,2017

This seller is dependable, honest, and sells for good prices..

Matthew augustin
September 14,2017

fast delivery polite..

Ryan bryan
September 13,2017

Great Seller, always use, fast, accurate the best.

mike Sylvester
September 13,2017

timly and polite fast delivery.

Logan Burress
September 11,2017

Delivered in time..

Vince Jensen
September 11,2017

fast delivery and polite.

Tyler Falise
September 11,2017

A VERY pleasant person "Dora" I messed up on the application but she hooked me up. Fantastic, quick response and cared about my issue. 5/5 star :D.

Jack Tyrell
August 13,2017

Very cheap and very fast, tysm.

Ryan Reed
July 28,2017

Great seller! I will be back!.

Maybe rizika
July 28,2017

Very pleased with their reliable service. I'll definitely reach out to them when in need of help. Their hard work and determination to see the order through made me a loyal customer. Thanks Guy4game!.

Jordan Schweppe
July 26,2017

I usually get a guy/girl called panda to assist me with this. They are always very friendly and send the gold ASAP. Best gold trading service around..

Avery Smith
July 19,2017

Would like to thank the employee's of this website. They are very professional and courteous, I've ordered over $1,500+ of gold from them and they have always been delivered gold in a very reasonable time. I recently made an error in a gold purchase and contacted there live support and Dora helped me and changed the order for me. Would especially like to thank Dora and Panda for the exceptional service. 10/10 one of the best gold selling websites out there..

July 12,2017

They got the powerleveling done as promised in record time. More than happy with the results.

Andrew Cheung
July 12,2017