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Customer Testimonials

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Testimonials (4,337 and counting)

Well over three years now I have used Guy4game services. Even when Blizzard changes the game policy we come to a reasonable agreement. Sometimes my order is slightly changed or simply refunded, no worries. Great Customer service. I'm Happy to recommend them to anyone..

Billy Lucius
February 14,2019

Very good service, would highly recommend!.

harry schmoe
February 13,2019

Great job! Very, very good.

Phillip Gardner
February 13,2019

happy to do trade with them again.

Nasser Danielson
February 12,2019

Good service for my first time..

Travis Crawford
February 10,2019

Quick and friendly! thanks again..

Christopher Krueger
February 06,2019

Awesome seller, highly recommended! Thanks..

Matthew Kunselman
February 03,2019

GREAT GREAT GREAT! what else can I say second time using and will again!.

Devin Gullickson
January 31,2019

ten out of ten, would buy again..

joe christopher
January 25,2019

I've been a customer since 2013. Date: 12-20-2013 Order id: #1170379 I must say this Team/Site is Amazing, I was skeptical when I first let someone use my World Of Warcraft, because I had a lot Invested in my Mounts + Hours upon Hours of game play. Guy4Game.com is truly a site you can trust and the customer service and prices have been "SPOT ON!". Thank you guys for continuing awesome service! 10/10 - Customer Service and Prices. ~JC ~ 1/25/2019.

Jonathan Carter
January 25,2019

So I've got to say I fully trust Guy4Game.com with my years upon years of playing World Of Warcraft, I've been a customer since --> #1170379 Processed 12-20-2013. Since 2013 and I've had but nothing but good experiences with this company/site/team. They have been wonderful and my most recent order on 01-18-2019 has been a good experience so far, also when I wanted to hop on and play for a few hours, I gave them a heads up so they knew I was going to play for a few hours, so when I'm done they could continue my progress. Wonderful service and fair prices! 10/10 for customer service and amazing selection/service!!!!.

Jonathan Carter
January 25,2019

Absolutely fantastic service. Don't go anywhere else but here. I tried a few different places before I found this site and let me tell you, the service is fantastic AND every single order made has been delivered. The other sites took DAYS and then sometimes didn't deliver. Guy4Game has my business for life!.

Tonald Drump
January 21,2019

Nice, Fast, very kind aswell! I Definitely would order again..

Joy Honore
January 17,2019

good, quick and very easy..

Steven Davis
January 17,2019

Fast and reliable! Thank you!.

Avory Russo
January 16,2019

quick, easy, and kind. would come back again!.

Andrew Taylor
January 15,2019

Fast and easy delivery, would highly recommend..

Justin Ferrero
January 12,2019

fast great seller. thank you.

Mechele Dawkins
January 09,2019

Very helpful. First time buyer. Will not hesitate to do again! Thank you..

Aaron Bolin
January 06,2019

Great service. Very Fast..

Maxime Smith
January 03,2019